2023 TGDF 合作夥伴介紹:Photon

Photon是當今開發多人連線遊戲最有效率的方案。快速、穩定、好擴充。能與Unity完美的搭配,亦備有各大平台使用的Native SDK。
針對不同的使用需求可以選用Photon Cloud或Photon Server,此外還提供開發網路游戲時所需的各種功能工具。

Photon is the world's #1 independent networking engine and multiplayer platform —Fast, reliable, scalable.
Made for anyone: indies, professional studios and AAA productions.
Photon is used by more than 417,636 developers including companies such as Ubisoft, Oculus, Miniclip, Square Enix, BANDAI NAMCO, Disney or Playdemic to create realtime multiplayer games and applications for mobile, PC/Mac, console and VR/AR/MR.

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