Jerry Chen

Gaia Information Technology - Account Manager

Jerry, Account Manager of Gaia Information Technology, dedicated to the cloud industry for 4 years. Support Gaming/Enterprise/Startup customers to be more effective and efficient in cloud usage. 

Gaia Information mainly provides Cloud platforms and Security services, and also acts as an agent for various development tools and CDN/defense products, providing the best and most comprehensive solutions for gaming industry customers. 

Cooperating with Gaia, we provide you with high-quality services and allow you to provide players with a better experience. 

Sessions by Jerry Chen

遊戲開發者面臨 API 安全挑戰:關鍵策略與戰術大揭秘

Virtual Day 1 - 17:00 - 17:30
Language: Mandarin/Chinese


  1. API 安全在遊戲開發的重要角色
  2. API 安全風險概述
  3. 如何確保 API 安全 
    1. 身份認證與授權方法
    2. 用戶輸入驗證與數據過濾
    3. 保護機密資訊:加密與資料去識別化
    4. 設定適當的 HTTP 安全標頭
    5. 主流 API 防護產品防禦手段
  4. 遊戲開發 API 安全案例分析


預期收穫:了解 API 常見漏洞以及其所造成的風險,如 Owasp API Top 10 等,並學習如何防範這些漏洞。